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About YinTorp

Hälsosann Livsenergi is a company that sees health and well-being as a healthy investment in yourself, your loved ones, colleagues and employees.

We start from a holistic approach and look after the whole person – physically, mentally and emotionally.

​The company is aimed at both private individuals, companies, associations and partners in various contexts. Hälsann Livsenergi was originally started with the name QiTai, (qigong/taichi) and since the start in 2005 has developed to also run YinTorp - a quiet retreat on the beautiful slope of Oppmannaberget!


About Susanne Lovensjö

Through the university of life, I have ridden a roller coaster in the ups and downs of reality. Adversity has provided valuable experience, insights and learning. It has undoubtedly been decisive when I have faced life crises that life has challenged me with.

Meditation and the power of thought are and have always been an important and significant part of life for me. A constant curiosity in these areas led me into the path of Yoga. I found my Indian Guru - Ambady Ramchandre when I started traveling to India about ten years ago. Through him, I have deepened my insights and knowledge in the world of yoga in a way that I had not previously achieved. A couple of months a year I live in an Ayurvedic yoga ashram, receive Ayurvedic treatments and do yoga every day, while studying and deepening my knowledge in yoga and Ayurveda. All these experiences have led me to increasingly live a yogic life where yoga, meditation and yoga philosophy are integrated into my lifestyle.


My experience bank started at a young age through the valuable university of life. My education began with a leisure teacher education, which was later followed by several educations in personality development, health promotion and wellness in-depth education in yoga and meditation.

​Instructor training Qigong and Taichi - Tai Chi Academy Stockholm.

Mindfulness instructor training - Ola Scheenström Stockholm.

Wellness therapist and nutrition consultant - Sverigehälsan Malmö.​

Certified 400 hour Yoga teacher - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Livhälsan Stockholm.​

Certification ISHTA Yinyoga Teachers training Ulrika Norberg.

Deepening of my knowledge in Vipassana meditation - Insight meditation - and yoga training in Sri Lanka.

Certified 200 hour ISHTA Yoga Teacher. Gothenburg, Ulrica Norberg, Hillevi Borga and Michael Bartelle.​


300 hours ISHTA Yoga Teacher. Stockholm, Alan Finger, Sarah Platt Finger, Ulrica Norberg, Hillevi Borga, Michael Bartelle, Katrina Repka, Chungmei Lee.​

Certified 500 hour RYT ISHTA Yoga Teacher. ​

Certified ISHTA Yinyoga Teachers training 50 h. Ulrica Norberg & Hillevi Borga.

YinTorp's creator & developer.

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